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How is the Grace Hopper Program Different from Fullstack Academy?

As our Grace Hopper Program continues to gain recognition, we get asked a lot: What differentiates Grace Hopper from Fullstack Academy? While there are little to no differences in quality or hiring outcomes for grads of both programs, there are some key areas in which Grace Hopper is unique.
What Grace Hopper and Fullstack Have in Common
Let’s begin by covering what’s not different. Both programs were founded by David Yang and Nimit Maru as a way to offer students practical development skills—whether you’re yearning to get into the programming industry but have no experience or you’re jockeying for a new tech position that requires coding skills, bootcamp is a proven way to get from Point A to Point B.
Admissions Process
The admissions process is identical across programs. We have a single admissions team that oversees both programs and reviews all applications. In addition, the same assessments and interviews are conducted, regardless of which school you’re applying to. If you’re persistent about problem-solving, aren’t an asshole, and we feel like you’ll get—and give—a lot when it comes to bootcamp, we select you.
Note: If you are a woman+ and are admitted, you get to choose between Fullstack and Grace Hopper.
The 17-week immersive schedule is also consistent between programs. You’ll kick off with a month-long Foundations phase, move on to learn front- and back-end technologies, and progress through a Career Success program to prepare you for job searching. In both tracks, you’ll practice Reacto drills so you’re less nervous about tech interviews and be exposed to emerging technologies.
Our teaching staff in NYC switch between Grace Hopper and Fullstack cohorts, so students get exposed to different styles and instructors never feel stagnant. The sole exception to this rule is that Grace Hopper has one dedicated NYC instructor, since that community response has been really enthusiastic. We’ve found that having a consistent presence for students and alums has been a big value-add.
Strong Hiring Outcomes
Both programs offer access to our incredible network of instructors and potential employers. You’ll be championed by your peers, fellows who have recently completed the program, and staff who thrive on getting you 100% job-ready. No doubt about it: Across the board, our grads are highly sought after.
Cost and Facilities
Costs for programs vary, but not by much: As of April 2019, the NYC Fullstack program is $17,910, while the Grace Hopper NYC track is $19,910. In Chicago, Fullstack and Grace Hopper tracks both run $15,910 and our part-time Flex Immersive is $15,980. The facilities are comparable, with both NYC programs taking place in the same building on separate floors.
How Grace Hopper is Unique
Women+ Only Club—Sorry, Guys!
The most obvious (and important!) difference between Fullstack and Grace Hopper is that Grace Hopper is only open to women+. (Women+ means women-identifying, trans, non-binary, and non-gender conforming individuals.) On our NYC campus, Grace Hopper cohorts have their own dedicated spaces and rarely interact with the Fullstack students. In Chicago, Grace Hopper and Fullstack attend the same classes, but Grace Hopper women+ can utilize our deferred tuition model (more on that next) and are invited to exclusive women-only events.
Deferred Tuition Model
A popular draw for students is our deferred tuition model. You pay a small deposit up front and then don’t owe a dime until you land a job in the programming industry. After you start working, you make nine monthly installments to pay back what’s left of your tuition. This reduces the risk to you as a student and mitigates one of the most common barriers to entry: the prohibitive costs of coding programs. With the average salary for Grace Hopper grads coming in at just under $90K, this sets you set up in a pretttty good position.
Tackling Gender Disparity, One Cohort at a Time
Many women who came to Fullstack in the early years lamented the lack of safe, inclusive spaces where they could be vulnerable. They confided in our founders about the systemic inequalities they saw between themselves and their male peers. Grace Hopper was borne from a desire to remedy these issues. With this program, we’ve created a space in which students can admit their weaknesses and ask for help. There is a transparent focus on empathy and understanding that can be hard to find in other programs.
Lifelong Support from Women+ Coders
We believe it’s essential to have a network you can relate to. When you’re out there in the trenches—likely surrounded by a mostly male workforce—it’s reassuring to know there are other women going through the same thing. We often hear from our alums that they’ve forged lasting friendships at Grace Hopper and learned how to step into their power. Some alums go on to become involved in the greater community network of women coders, while others give back to the community by hiring and recruiting fellow alums.
The bottom line: both of our programs are cutting-edge and will position you well within the industry. However, Grace Hopper offers a direct line to some inimitable benefits to the women+ community that you won’t find anywhere else—and the impacts of this program couldn’t be more timely. Companies are increasingly looking to hire women and minorities in order to address the glaring disparities in the tech industry, and we’re proud to position historically marginalized groups to take on satisfying positions in tech.